Ancestral online sabong training cheats and formulas - DS88
Fri. Sep 20th, 2024
online sabong,sabong training,sabong

Whether online sabong is in the process of training or breeding, you must pay attention to the following points. Only by maintaining a healthy body can it be conducive to domestication and reproduction, and then you can fight on the field!

What kind of play online sabong is a good chicken?

A good online sabong is those who know how to play two or more ways. A chicken with a high head and a drilled wing hitting the back of the head is more practical. the

1. Rely on usual training:

Online sabong training methods can be summed up in the following 14 methods: pushing, slipping, turning, jumping, pushing, pulling, hitting, copying, rubbing, weighing, supporting, rubbing, twisting, and disturbing. , should not be too long, usually 15 minutes.

The rules vary according to the different requirements of different regions. Taking the Central Plains as an example with a large number, enthusiasts often say: “The appearance is based on the coat color, and the internal inspection is based on the litter identity.” The so-called litter identity refers to blood relationship. The selection of online sabong mainly uses chickens with tenacious fighting spirit, especially chickens that are still fighting at the end of the fight, and have good heredity.

Breed an excellent family with high purity, and use the offspring produced by mating between different families. Such chickens are strong in physique, high in fighting skills, and fast in fighting style, but their genetics are unstable, so they are not suitable for breeding. the

2. There are several types of fighting skills:

That is, the high-headed and big-biting player (the head is held high during the fight, and the fighting posture is good); the flat head and flat body fighting style (the fighting style is not very good); the running circle style (running around after a few hits); the four-way all-out fighter (Almighty is the most ideal style of play), regardless of the style of play, as long as you are good at two or more types of play and have heavy legs, you are considered an excellent online sabong.

3. The key to victory:

In fact, it lies in the accuracy, weight, and speed of kicking: accuracy refers to whether you can hit the opponent’s head; weight refers to the severity of the kicking force of the leg;

online sabong,sabong training,sabong

What should I do to prepare for an online sabong fight?

Traditionally, online sabong is only sold and not sold, the training and breeding techniques are kept secret, and the fine varieties are not spread to the outside world. In recent years, farmers have emancipated their minds and allowed online sabong to rush out of the fighting arena and fly to the big market, and the training methods have gradually become public.

Pre-competition preparation:

First, feed raw eggs 15 days before the fight. The amount of feeding eggs is about 2~3 a day, and the feeding of beef is also carried out. When feeding beef, do not throw it directly, but hold it tightly with your hands and lift it up, so that the chicken can achieve a jumping pecking effect to practice pecking. Of course, bread corn is a must.

Online sabong must be locked in a place alone before fighting, and the hens cannot be touched. This is also a way to enhance fighting spirit.

The two chickens should cover their mouths with chicken masks, and the tape should be fastened to the sharp protrusions at the lower ends of the chicken feet. Stop after 1-2 weeks of practice.

Site requirements:

The venue should be earthy ground, better with lawn or carpet, but it is never allowed on brick floor, concrete floor or other hard ground.

The field should be circular, with a diameter of 6 meters and a height of 0.6 meters. It can be made of cloth or bamboo mats. A circle with a diameter of 1 meter is drawn in the center of the field as a starting circle, and a starting line is set inside the starting circle. The lines are 50 cm apart.

Facilities requirements: fence, clock, washbasin, water

Personnel requirements:

(1) Referee team and referees:

The referee team is generally composed of the chief referee, deputy chief referee, executive referee, deputy referee and timekeeper.

Referee: The adjudicator of the game, who issues orders based on the various rules of the game to ensure the fairness and smooth progress of the rules of the game. Therefore, the referee is required to be fair, fair, decisive, and clear, with a loud voice and accurate gestures. Standardized actions, clear rewards and punishments, and correct judgment.

(2) Chicken trainer:

Trainers who participate in the online sabong competition can enter the ring and perform work on the chickens according to the regulations of the competition, such as making water, picking up chickens, releasing chickens, etc., but they must abide by the regulations, obey the referees, admit defeat, and have a kind attitude.

online sabong,sabong training,sabong

Online sabong training and formulas?

Online sabong training requires some skills. If you are still a novice or have not mastered the tricks, today this site will teach you some formulas to help you remember!

1. Initial training chicken weight

Local online sabong and Russian hybrid chickens can start training at a weight of 3 to 4 kg, and Vietnamese and Thai hybrid chickens can start training at a weight of 2.5 to 3 kg. Before the training, chase him in the yard at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour for 1 hour each time. It is advisable that the chicken is not obviously fatigued and the running speed does not slow down. This training takes about 5 days.

2. Starvation method

Starve the animals to be trained for 8 hours, then throw grain-shaped food on the ground and on the chair at once, and train the online sabong to fly up and down to peck accurately. This method will be trained for 5 to 10 days. The steamed buns are hoisted up with a thin rope, and the trainers hold the end of the rope up and down, swinging the rope from left to right, so that the hungry online sabong will follow the steamed buns up and down, and jump up and down quickly, desperately grabbing food. After about 10 days of training, the accuracy rate of pecking at fixed or moving targets can reach more than 90%. the

3. Upper boom

Online sabong is brave and stable, flexible but not panicked, agile and able to maintain the same posture for a long time, good at capturing the instinct of the best angle and posture in fighting. Using this instinct, three bamboo poles with a length of about 2 meters are set in parallel with the same height and length, and each bamboo pole is about 10 cm apart. Then put the online sabong on a bamboo pole in the middle, let its two paws grasp the same bamboo pole, and let it go after standing firmly.

The bamboo poles are used to train their ability to stand firmly on the bamboo poles. Each time they train for 1 hour, one bamboo pole is removed every 5 days, and only one bamboo pole remains in the end. Train until the chicken can hold the bamboo pole firmly and no longer fall with the bamboo pole swinging.

4. Get on the bike

Let the online sabong trained by the above method stand on the shelf in front of the bicycle. The trainer pushes the bicycle straight at a walking speed. After 5 days, push the bicycle to walk a curved road. Riding at a speed of 10 kilometers per hour, it takes about 5 to 10 days without falling off. In this way, the driving time is about 1 hour each time.

5. Balance chicken training

The chicken trainer lifts one leg up in the air and places it on the trainer’s foot to stand firm. Then the trainer moves the leg up and down, left and right, and swings on the human foot without falling down. 1 hour each time, about 10 days. After 1 to 2 months of training, the weak chickens will be eliminated in time, and the winning side can start fighting with the same weight. After each fight, the chicken feathers and other sundries in the beaks, throats and throats of both fighting parties must be removed, and then placed in a quiet place to rest. Feeding can only be done after 12 hours.

online sabong,sabong training,sabong

Breeding of online sabong?

The feed consumption of online sabong is relatively stable. If there is a drop in feed consumption, or only drinking water without eating feed, it may indicate that the chickens have been infected with certain diseases. To find out the cause as soon as possible, you can know the status of the flock at any time.

1. Breeding fine varieties:

The male online sabong is required to be big and strong, with a thick and powerful neck, thick and tall legs, well-developed chest muscles, a bright red cockscomb in the shape of a flat tumor, big eyes, feathers close to the body, a majestic posture, a weight of more than 3.5 kg, and a well-proportioned maternal structure. Well-developed, lively and active, with big eyes and a weight of more than 2.5 kg.

2. Do a good job in epidemic prevention:

Only by keeping the online sabong in a healthy state can it be conducive to domestication and reproduction. Therefore, to do a good job in disease prevention and control in spring, the pens must be kept clean, and they can be disinfected once a week by spraying with chlorpyrifos or mitazol (1:1000 times) , The disinfectant can be sprayed on the online sabong, the troughs and sinks are scrubbed with 0.1% potassium permanganate solution once a day, and the Newcastle disease vaccination work is done well.

After preventive immunization, the reaction of the chickens after immunization should be observed at any time. For example, Newcastle disease chickens continue to appear after immunization with Newcastle disease vaccine; respiratory symptoms worsen after immunization with infectious bronchitis, which indicates that the immunization has failed. The reasons should be found out from many aspects as soon as possible, and active remedial measures should be taken.

3. Scientific ingredients:

Online sabong grows fast, has strong mobility, and consumes a lot of energy. Therefore, the nutritional content should be comprehensive, with more than 23% crude protein and complete essential amino acids. The feed formula for young chickens is: corn 5%, bean cake 16%, sorghum 5.5%, 8% fish meal, 2% shell meal, 1.5% bone meal, 0.5% salt, 0.5% additive, and some green feed such as vegetable leaves.

4. Feeding management:

Provide water and food regularly every day, and keep plenty of clean drinking water. It is necessary to train and fight on a regular basis. You can tie 50-100 grams of sandbags on your legs when you train and run. You must persist in fighting for 2 hours and running for 1 hour every day. sabong.

online sabong,sabong training,sabong

When inspecting online sabong, you should pay attention to the following content!

Whether it is online sabong, native chicken or laying hen, in the breeding process, you need to pay attention to the following points in order to grow up healthily!

1. Harmful gas:

The most harmful gases to online sabong are ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.


It is a volatile and irritating gas. If there is a large amount of ammonia in the chicken house, it will be sensed first when entering the chicken house. When you smell the smell of ammonia, it means that the ammonia in the chicken house has already exceeded the standard.

Hydrogen sulfide:

The specific gravity is larger than that of air. It is a gas with the smell of rotten eggs. It often accumulates on the ground. The closer to the ground, the higher the concentration. If you smell hydrogen sulfide at a slightly higher place in the chicken house, it means that the hydrogen sulfide in the chicken house has seriously exceeded the standard. From these changes, it can be determined whether there is excessive hydrogen sulfide in the air: the surface of copper utensils suddenly turns black. White deposits appear on the surface of galvanized ironware. Black art paint color faded.

Carbon monoxide:

It is an odorless gas, especially for chicken coops that are kept warm by coal stoves, and carbon monoxide poisoning of personnel and chickens should be prevented.

When these three kinds of harmful gases are found to be excessive, corresponding measures should be taken immediately, such as appropriately increasing the ventilation rate, changing litter, etc., to reduce and eliminate the harm to chickens.

2. Temperature

When raising online sabong, temperature is very important. Especially the little chicks. You can also find the temperature by looking at the degree of dispersion. When the density is high, it means that the temperature is low. It must be kept away from the heat source and scattered around, indicating that the temperature is high. Check the indoor thermometer, you can directly find the temperature level. When it is found that the temperature on the thermometer does not match the actual required temperature, measures to raise or lower the temperature should be taken immediately, and the temperature must be controlled within the required range.

3. Ventilation

Whether the ventilation is good is the key to the success of farming. In the cold winter, when the temperature is low, people often only pay attention to keeping warm while ignoring ventilation. When the ventilation is good, the online sabong is only lively and active, and there is no peculiar smell in the house, showing a comfortable feeling. Once it is found that it is disease-free, wilting, short of breath, strong odor, and dusty in the house, ventilation should be strengthened immediately. When ventilating, be careful not to blow the cold air directly onto the online sabong.

4. Feces

Under normal circumstances, the stool is thin and soft, in the form of a light gray strip with a little white urate on it. Once you find a change in the color of the stool or blood in the stool, it is a symptom of the disease. Infectious bursal disease and infectious bronchitis can cause chickens to have diarrhea, and the feces are yellow-white; when online sabong suffers from Newcastle disease, they discharge green, yellow-white watery feces; bloody stools in the house indicate infection with coccidiosis. When the above abnormal feces are found, the defecating chicken should be found and treated in isolation.

5. Humidity

Humidity should also meet the standard. High humidity and microorganisms are easy to survive. If accompanied by low temperature, the harm of low temperature will be more serious. If the humidity is low, the chicken house will be dry and prone to respiratory diseases, especially for chicks. Prolonged dry conditions can dehydrate and weaken the chicks, so house humidity adjustments should not be overlooked.

6. Number of dead chickens

During the growth of online sabong, whether it is chicks, rearing chickens or laying hens, a very small number of weak chickens may die due to various reasons every day, which is a normal phenomenon. Under normal circumstances, the mortality rate of chicks should not exceed 0.05%, that of reared chickens should not exceed 0.01%, and that of laying hens should not exceed 0.03%. If the number of deaths is found to be too large, attention should be drawn.

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