An aggressive 888 Sabong calmed down - DS88 online sabong
Sat. Jan 18th, 2025
888 Sabong

How to deal with calming an aggressive 888 Sabong

Before you start talking about how to deal with 888 Sabong,

first think about what you can do to protect yourself.

It starts with wearing the right clothes.

The best outfit to go with the wild

888 Sabong is long pants and high boots.

You can even add some gloves to your outfit!

It’s easy to go out in shorts and sandals,

but you’re more likely to hurt your legs anywhere in the field or in the yard.

888 Sabong will usually attack you with spurs flying at you.

This means that the legs below the knee are most at risk.

As you grapple with the onslaught,

think first what you can do to prevent injury!

Entering 888 Sabong House

Don’t turn your back on 888 Sabong. Use a broom,

stick, or anything else that can prevent the approach of 888 Sabong.

This is called situational awareness. I know where my aggressive 888 Sabong is and I can see him. This prevents those sneak attacks!

As I pointed out earlier, bring a broom or a cane.

You don’t have to use it!

But you may need to prevent the rooster from attacking your legs when leaving the cage area.

I don’t suggest hurting the dicks.

This is just to protect you.

I grabbed my staff and the rooster knew he had to get away.

Trust me, you can tell whenever you forget to bring a stick!

888 Sabong
888 Sabong

Temporarily isolate 888 Sabong

If he won’t let you go,

take him to a large coop while you feed the chickens

You don’t have to be a victim of their actions.
Give the rooster treats away from the feeding area.

This will bother him for a while.
Your cock may be trying to attack because it is not used to your presence.

Your partner may spend more time feeding and tending to the cage,

or maybe you haven’t gotten your cock in a while.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to get your cock used to being in his territory.

So grab a coffee and spend some time in jail.

I’m sorry

Remember, roosters are just following their natural instincts.

If a cockroach attacks you, it will only hurt for a moment.

Please don’t react violently to your dick.

It just does its job.
When you’re with a wild cock,

approach him boldly and show confidence in the way he walks and socialises.

Think loud, strong, and bold.

This way, the rooster is less likely to try to get the upper hand and attack you.

Even if you are not confident, be confident.

Never throw things, shout or run away.

in conclusion

The most recommended strategy for farmers is to act like another 888 Sabong. (Yes. As you read)

In the world of 888 Sabong, it’s all about dominance.

It is common for two 888 Sabongs to live in the same group and get along well.

Did you know? Everything comes down to rank order.

Basically, if a rooster can rule another 888 Rooster,

peace can reign.

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